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The RCA 813 Beam Transmitting Tetrode

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  1 -- Medium Metal Cap

  2 -- Short Ribbon Anode Connector

  3 -- Filament Support Springs

  4 -- Mount Support

  5 -- Top Ceramic Mount Support

  6 -- Top Shield

  7 -- Aligned-turn Control and Screen Grids

  8 -- Heavy Duty Filament

  9 -- Large Sturdy Graphite Anode

10 -- Hard Glass Envelope

11 -- Bottom Shield Disc

12 -- Ceramic Anode Support Spacer

13 -- Directive-type Getter Container

14 -- Dish Type Stem

15 -- Ceramic-Insert Giant Base

16 -- Beam Confining Plate

17 -- Filament Connector

18 -- Tungsten-to-Glass Seal

19 -- Bottom Ceramic Mount Support

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