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Valves Collected by David U Burl

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David U Burl. Photo dates to 1930s.
David's son Michael writes:
My dad, David U Burl (1908-1976), was, during the period between WWI and WWII an Optician, but also very interested in electronics. l was born just after WWII and remember dad keeping a valve radio up and working, and he also built a home-made phonograph (two 6V6 and other octal base valves). Dad was not a collector as such, but had accumulated a quantity of electronic bits and pieces, much to mum's dismay. He told me that these bright emitter valves cost about a week's wages for a man in the day (I looked back at earnings records and this is likely right).
l followed my father's interest in electronics, and studied Engineering. and amazingly as students we had an early 4 pin base triode show up in a laboratory experiment. As I remember the valve had a quite linear and very stable characteristic, (I don 't have a record of the valve part number, and I can only assume it was used because the whole experiment used a student friendly 120 V. Compare with my home made amplifier 2 × 807 Va = 500 V, and later big tetrodes (Va = 3 kV) for a RF amplifier; early MRI development).
I believe these valves have been in our possession since manufacture.
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