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Ei tube factory was founded in 1948 in Nis, Serbia (former Yugoslavia) as a production facility for Institute for the Production of Radio Sets and Roentgen Machines b RR NIS.

In the Golden Age of this holding company. more than 10,000 people worked here so it become one of the most important Yugoslavian companies.

Because of the bad management and due to lack of investing in research part of things, and most of all because of the economic embargo and other international commercial restrictions most of the company business and manufacturing facilities collapsed including the one of the few remaining line of production of electronic vacuum tubes.

Just for the record here are some numbers. In 2006, Elektronska Industrija had 73 subsidiaries and 360 production facilities including the line of production of the vacuum tubes Ei ECC83/12AX7 which was the single break even one. Over all it generated revenues of €6.2 millions but a net loss of €13.4 millions. Value of operating assets was €41.1 millions.

In 2016, after a decade of agony RR NIS was shut down and the Business Court declared bankruptcy and this is the moment we've lost the link with the ORIGINAL EI TUBES, those produced on Telefunken machinery.

Reference: Musicproductionglossary.com.

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