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The M-OV type R5V was a landmark valve in that it was the first British high-vacuum receiving valve to incorporate a sprung 'inverted V' filament of the type which later became universal. The R5V is a bright emitter valve using a pure tungsten single strand filament.
The filament is a single inverted V and the spring arm is seen above the anode. The grid construction is clearly visible. See also R5V.
Type R5V was successful both technically and commercially. Like the type R it remained listed until the outbreak of WWII and many samples survive.
The R5V from Marconi-Osram was a general purpose valve, similar to the original R-type, and made from the early 1920s in considerable quantity. Our exhibit has the BBC stamp that dates it to between November 1922 and September 1924.
The differences from the R-type were a lower anode resistance and the 5.0 V filament. The construction has altered from the basic design of the R-type.
The balloon envelope is 42 mm in diameter and, excluding the B4 base pins, is mm tall.
References: 1003. Type R5V was first introduced in 1922. See also 1922 adverts.


Absolute Maximum Operating Conditions
Updated December06, 2012.
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