AC2/PenSensibly equivalent¶ to:See also:
The AC2/Pen design is a 1930's audio pentode power output valve. In the 1930s Mazda held the technological lead in indirectly heated audio power valves. The 1930 landmark AC/Pen was a first generation device, and a very successful one, but required considerable drive.The AC2/Pen was the market leading second generation output pentode. The second generation valves had better gain and could be driven directly from the detector output if required.The classic envelope is 41 mm in diameter and, excluding the B7 base pins, is 116 mm tall.References: Data-sheet & 1043. Type AC2/Pen was first introduced in 1933. See also 1933 adverts. |
Pin Connections
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |  nc | g1 | g2 | h | h | k | a |
Absolute Maximum Operating Conditions¶
| Vh | Ah | Va | Vs | Vg | mAa | mAs | ra | gm | Pout | D | 
| 4.0 | 1.75 | 250 | 250 | -5.3 | 32 | 6.0 | 50,000 | 8.0 | 3.5W | 10% |
Updated February 26, 2023.