CV1076Sensibly equivalent¶ to:DA41 NU40TZ SW40H TZ40 VT76See also:
The CV1076 is the UK procurement code for the commercial DA41 but made for greater reliability at high power. It is a magnificent audio triode that was designed so that in class B a pair would deliver 175 Watts at 5% distortion. The anode dissipation is 40 Watts.The construction is similar to DA41 in that a carbon anode is used and the electrodes are supported in ceramic sheets not mica. Our other CV1076 has a metal anode.Our other DA41 has a ceramic base that would offer better insulation in high humidity.
The anode is a single piece carbon structure and is shaped and not a plain rectangle. The working faces are parallel to the grid. The filament is thoriated tungsten.The balloon envelope is 51 mm in diameter and, excluding the UX4 base pins, is 149 mm tall.References: Data-sheet, 1040 & 1043. Type CV1076 was first introduced in 1939. See also 1939 adverts. |
Pin Connections
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | tc |  f | nc | g1 | f | a |
Absolute Maximum Operating Conditions¶
| Vh | Ah | Va | Vg | mAa | Pout | 
| 7.5 | 3.1 | 1,000 | 0 | 140 | 175W |
Updated January 03, 2022.